What is pipe freezing?

A simple, cost-effective method to perform pipeline maintenance or pipeline modifications without excess draining.

Using liquid nitrogen, Rapid-Freeze can isolate the problem area in the line by freezing the product inside the pipeline to form a solid freeze plug. This allows for very little drain-down or refill and in many cases, no system downtime. Once the work is complete, the line freezes are thawed and the pipeline is back in operation!

How it works

An effective means of system isolation, freeze plugs are developed within the pipe system through the application of liquid nitrogen. The cryogenic process begins with heat being drawn from the product inside the pipe until it reaches a temperature below its freeze point. Once an established freeze plug is formed, the Rapid-Freeze technicians will monitor the flow of liquid nitrogen to maintain the proper sized plug based on known system parameters.

Upon completion of the client’s work, we refill the downstream piping, equalise pressure on both sides of the Pipe Freeze Plug, turn off the nitrogen and let everything thaw out.


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1800 99 58 58

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